Auxiliary Volunteer Application Form First Name: Last Name: Preferred Name: Address: City or Town: Postal Code: Email: Phone (Best number to reach you on during the day): Languages spoken: EnglishFrenchOther Date of Birth: Emergency Contact Name: Emergency Contact Phone Number: Why are you interested in becoming a Headwaters Volunteer?: How did you hear about Headwaters volunteer opportunities?: Headwaters website Headwaters sign or screen Auxiliary brochure Social media Newsletter Local newspaper Word of mouth Headwaters staff Other Previous Volunteer Experience: What areas of service are you interested in volunteering in? Select all that apply.: Ambulatory CareBoard or Committee MemberDay SurgeryDiagnostic ImagingDialysisEmergency DepartmentInventory/Data management (Excel proficiency)Patient CompanionPatient Escort/InquiryPulse Cafe/Gift ShopSeconds Count Thrift ShopWayfindingOther Are you currently a student?: Yes No Are you currently employed?: Yes No If yes, what is your occupation?: If no, what was your past employment and skillset?: When are you available to volunteer? Select all that apply.: MorningsAfternoonsEveningsWeekends I understand that new volunteers are requested to volunteer for a minimum of 6 months.: Yes No Please confirm that you understand and agree with the following: I understand that volunteers are required to provide proof of vaccination for COVID-19, undergo a current Police Vulnerable Sector Verification Search or Criminal record check (role dependent), a two-phase TB skin test and provide confirmation of immunity to common communicable diseases.I understand that all confirmed volunteers are required to attend a hospital orientation session, role specific training or shadowing with the Volunteer Convener (or designate) for the role.I understand that volunteers will be provided with an identification badge with parking access and a volunteer vest prior to the start of their training and initial shift. Please provide the names of two (2) references who can supply information regarding your skills/performance (excluding relatives).: