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Press Releases
Apr 03, 2023

Media release: Headwaters Health Care Centre now certified as an Ontario Breast Assessment Centre by Cancer Care Ontario

Orangeville, ON (April 3, 2023) Headwaters Health Care Centre was recently approved to become a certified Breast Assessment Centre.  The hospital has been part of the Ontario Breast Screening Program since 2018, offering screening and diagnostic breast imaging services.  The recent certification was made possible through the hospital’s new mammography unit, with capabilities for stereotactic 3D biopsy and tomosynthesis.  The new machine will provide radiologists with the capability to perform mammography-guided procedures, to detect abnormalities in breast tissue that cannot be seen with ultrasound.

Patients in the Dufferin County-Caledon area no longer need to travel far for breast evaluations, as Headwaters can provide care, closer to home.  In collaboration with the Diagnostic Imaging and Surgical Departments, the hospital now offers a dedicated breast Diagnostic Assessment Program (DAP).  The DAP will improve the patient experience by streamlining access to examinations and procedures, shortening referral paths to breast surgeons, and enhanced patient support.

Breast health services that are offered at Headwaters:
  • Screening mammography
  • Diagnostic mammography (including 3D, tomosynthesis)
  • Breast ultrasound
  • Image-guided breast biopsies
  • Onsite radiologists specializing in breast imaging
  • Specialist care by Breast Surgeons
  • Reconstruction surgery by Plastic Surgeons
  • Oncology referrals
  • Enhanced patient support
For more information on caring for breast health at Headwaters, please visit our website.


“In consultation with our community, Headwaters is planning for our future and building capacity to support our growing community and the needs they’ve identified as most important. With a focus on quality patient-centred care, together with our community partners, this investment of new technologies demonstrates our commitment to drive higher levels of quality across our teams and ensuring patient, staff and caregiver safety.”
Kim Delahunt, President and CEO, Headwaters Health Care Centre

“I am really excited and grateful for the expansion of breast health services that our hospital can offer patients in our community.  Breast cancer affects 1 in 9 women, and like many cancers, a key determinant to successful treatment starts with early detection and diagnosis.  Our new breast assessment program will allow us to help more women and save lives.  I am very proud to be able to work with such an amazing team, and provide quality care, with the expertise and compassion that our patients deserve. 
Dr. Grace Wang, Chief of Staff, Vice President, Medical Affairs and Surgeon

“The new mammography machine was purchased thanks to the generosity of our community, with a matching gift challenge from The Morningview Foundation. We are so grateful for this support which allows us to purchase this vital equipment to help save the lives of those living in our community. The new technology and equipment allow for breast cancer screening and care, close to home.”
K.C. Carruthers, CEO, Headwaters Health Care Foundation

“Headwaters’ commitment to the Hills of Headwaters Collaborative Ontario Health Team underscores the seamless transition for patients between acute care and community care. Preventative care is a big part of everyday health care. Together with our community partners, anything we can do to support positive patient outcomes in acute care settings, and beyond, counts as a win for healthy patient outcomes.”
Annette Jones, Vice President Patient Experience, Health Integration, Chief Nursing and Health Disciplines Executive, Headwaters Health Care Centre, and co-chair, HOHC OHT.

Headwaters Health Care Centre is an innovative hospital located in Orangeville, Ont. dedicated to quality patient-centred care together with our community in Dufferin County-Caledon. In addition to providing acute and complex continuing care with a 24/7 Emergency Department, and extensive Ambulatory Care outpatient services, Headwaters is accredited with Exemplary Standing by Accreditation Canada, certified as a Breast Assessment Centre by the Ontario Breast Screening Program, and will be offering MRI services in the near future. Headwaters is also a proud partner in the Hills of Headwaters Collaborative Ontario Health Team. Learn more at  and support the hospital at
Media contacts

Jennifer Hamilton
Director, Communications and Stakeholder Relations
Headwaters Health Care Centre
(519) 941-2702 ext. 2551
Kendra Goss
Coordinator, Marketing, Communications & Donor Relations
Headwaters Health Care Foundation
(519) 941-2702 ext. 2821