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Oct 27, 2023

Increased access to care from PICC line program training

Starting November 1, 2023, Headwaters Health Care Centre will offer enhanced access to outpatients requiring prolonged intravenous treatment. Inpatients have already begun to receive treatment from the PICC line program during October from newly certified nurses. Headwaters Health Care Centre’s new Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC line) program means more inpatient and outpatient patients can receive life-saving treatment without additional admission or referral.  

Why it matters 

We’re getting even better at delivering care without the additional inconvenience of hospital admission or complex referral paths.  

A PICC line is a form of intravenous treatment used over an extended time, such as days, weeks or months, such as antibiotics or chemotherapy. Under this program, Headwaters Ambulatory Care nurses were trained to insert PICC lines, expanding Headwaters’ capacity to treat more patients closer to home.  

How it works 

Using the machine, nurses use ultrasound-guided technology to insert the PICC line into a vein.  

Nurses can view the path of the PICC line on the screen, which helps to precisely guide the PICC line to the most suitable area, typically near the heart, to insert the medication. 

Big wins 

The patient doesn’t need to be prodded by multiple needles and can be treated in the comfort of patient rooms, without a visit to Diagnostic Imaging. 

The PICC Line program also demonstrates how Headwaters is training our people and setting them up for success at Headwaters for meaningful skills that advance patient care as well as their careers. 

Learn more or refer a patient for PICC line insertion at Headwaters by calling (519) 941-2410 ext. 2843. 

Photo caption: Terry and Sara were among the first nurses to successfully complete the PICC line training in October.