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Volunteer Spotlight: Colena

Meet Colena, TeleCheck volunteer who became Team Leader

As a daily check-in telephone call service led by dedicated volunteers and staff, TeleCheck provides adults over the age of 55 with customized connection according to their needs, such as health routine reminders, social connections, navigating the health and community system, and offers both preventative health and emergency responses, when needed. Meet Colena from TeleCheck, and why she chose to get involved.

How long have you volunteered at TeleCheck?

I volunteered with TeleCheck since July 2020 before transitioning to the role of a team lead staff member in November of 2022. As a volunteer, I made between 20 to 25 calls in any given morning or evening shift.

What do you do as a team leader? How did you evolve into that role?

​As Team Lead, I connect with members, support volunteers, oversee each call made, and follow-up as appropriate with family, community partners, and other appropriate supports. Through training for the team leader position, I learned to report/document significant member events, audit all calls, follow-up with emergency contacts, and collaborate with community partners.

What made you want to get involved with TeleCheck, and how did you hear about us?

During the pandemic I was completing school virtually and felt a desire to do more. I wanted to make a difference in the community. TeleCheck’s goal of supporting health and providing social connections to older adults is always crucial, especially when people are socially isolated. I learned about TeleCheck from a volunteer listing on Volunteer Dufferin and wanted to get involved.

What’s one thing you love about volunteering with TeleCheck?

What I love most are the remarkable people, including those who volunteer and the members we connect with. The volunteers are the heart of TeleCheck. Their compassion, humour, and knowledge create a rich, supportive and lively environment. It is a privilege to listen to members’ stories and learn about their lives.

What is one surprising thing others may not know about TeleCheck?

We provide calls 365 days of the year. Each day, on average, we connect with 190 members.

If someone is interested in volunteering with TeleCheck, what piece of advice would you share?

By being involved with TeleCheck, you feel a sense of purpose contributing to the community and in return, you develop friendships and gain a support network. We form a close-knit community that supports one another.

Can you tell us about a positive member experience you contributed to?

Through regular conversations, I have the opportunity to listen to members, reflect on their situations, and support problem solving. I can empower a member by providing knowledge of the resources available and connecting them with the appropriate agencies to assist with their situation.

Members regularly comment on how much they appreciate the service. They recognize the daily calls allow them to maintain their independence, feel safe in their home, and connect with others in the community. Members are assured knowing if they are not reached by TeleCheck, their family and/or emergency services will be contacted to confirm they are safe.

Learn more about TeleCheck and consider volunteering: