Patient Safety
Headwaters wants you to feel safe and secure while at the hospital – it is your right and our primary concern. Both you and your health team have roles to play in making sure your security and privacy are taken care of.
Your health team supports high-quality and safe care, using five key practices to improve staff and
patient SAFETY.
Infection rates
One of the many ways to make sure our patients, families, volunteers and staff are safe is by monitoring infection rates. Monitoring and regularly reviewing infection rates allows us to quickly address areas of concern and put measures in place to minimize risk. Access our infection rates or find out more from Health Quality Ontario.
Wait times
HHCC works with the Ontario Government to manage wait times for specific surgeries and diagnostic testing. Access our Emergency Department wait times or other wait times.
Falls prevention
Did you know that in Canada 215 older adults are hospitalized each day because of a fall?
Published studies in healthcare show that many people are at risk of falling for a wide variety of reasons. Falls among seniors, both in hospital and at home, has become a significant health concern. At HHCC, we identify patients and alter care teams when someone is at risk of a fall.
Please bring and wear appropriate footwear while you are staying with us – avoid shoes or slippers that may be slippery or dangerous on tile floors. We will continue to do our best to keep our floors free of objects that might cause you to fall.
Patient wandering system (Wanderguard)
Wanderguard is an electronic patient departure alert system used to reduce wandering and improve patient safety. It used as an environmental restraint with consent. The system is also used in our Obstetric Services to alert staff if an infant is removed from the unit to reduce the risk of infant abduction and on our D Wing for patients that are under 1 year of age.
Partner with us
Does patient safety at HHCC interest you? Become a Patient Family Advisor – be part of transforming health care in Dufferin County. You can help build on the community involvement that already exits at our hospital and ensure that we understand what matters most to you – the people we serve.
Contact Us
100 Rolling Hills Drive
Orangeville, ON
L9W 4X9