Quality Improvement Plan
Partnering with our patients, families and caregivers
The Excellent Care for All Act (ECFAA) in Ontario asks that all hospitals develop a Patient Declaration of Values and an annual Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) with the goal of creating a culture of continuous improvement in health care.
Building a culture of collaboration and improvement is not a new goal for HHCC – it is at our core. We know that your feedback on areas we can improve is the best way can do even better. That’s why we listen directly to our community and put your voice at the center of our improvement targets and change initiatives. Our QIP helps us enhance experience, safety, and effectiveness.
Access our current QIP narrative and workplan.
Building a culture of collaboration and improvement is not a new goal for HHCC – it is at our core. We know that your feedback on areas we can improve is the best way can do even better. That’s why we listen directly to our community and put your voice at the center of our improvement targets and change initiatives. Our QIP helps us enhance experience, safety, and effectiveness.
Access our current QIP narrative and workplan.
Contact Us
100 Rolling Hills Drive
Orangeville, ON
L9W 4X9