Connecting people and care
This service uses live videoconferencing to provide a patient consultation. It means a patient can be at Headwaters and talk to a specialist who is somewhere else to discuss their concerns and, be assessed.
The doctor can examine you without you having to travel far to get their help. We have a Telemedicine suite at HHCC that provides the medical equipment, camera and other communication devices needed for this service.
A nurse or doctor at Headwaters can send data electronically from instruments like a stethoscope, and the doctor can see you through a camera. This means the doctor can gain valuable medical information by seeing and hearing what is happening with you.
Telemedicine is very good for patients because it provides access to specialized medical services close to home. Patients don’t have to use valuable time and resources to travel. It makes it a less stressful and more cost-effective way for people to get important care.
All consultation requests must be scheduled through the Telemedicine Program by your doctor. The telemedicine coordinator is responsible for planning and coordinating all telemedicine consultations.
Telemedicine is conducted through an encrypted line that ensures your confidently and secures your medical information.
Access Ontario Telehealth Network
Clinic Information:
- Monday to Friday: 8:00AM to 4:00PM
- Telephone: (519) 941. 2410 x3300
- Location: On the lower level of HHCC across from E-Wing
Contact Us
100 Rolling Hills Drive
Orangeville, ON
L9W 4X9