Headwaters is the license holder of the Dufferin County Paramedic Service (DCPS) and has been a provider of land ambulance for more than 50 years. The service operates with 3 stations: headquarters located in Orangeville and satellite stations in Shelburne and Grand Valley.
Services Offered
Dufferin County Paramedic Service responded to 11,638 calls in 2022, with an average response time of 08:31. Dufferin County EMS is committed to improving and optimizing response times twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
The Dufferin County Paramedic Service provides defibrillation, symptom relief, and I.V. therapy on all vehicles. DCPS also has Advanced Care Paramedics on selected vehicles. Currently, 40% of our full-time Paramedics are certified at the Advanced Care level.
If you are interested in applying for a job with Dufferin County Paramedic Services, open positions will be posted on our current opportunities page. Paramedic candidates for the 2025 recruitment period, can view our 2025 Recruitment Guide.
If you have any questions regarding Dufferin County Paramedic Service please contact Gary Staples, Chief, Dufferin County Paramedic Service.
Calling 9-1-1
In an emergency paramedics provide medical treatment and can transport patients to the most appropriate hospital destination if required.
Always call 9-1-1 in a medical emergency. Some examples of a medical emergency would include (but not limited to):
- Chest pain or discomfort
- Sudden severe pain
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Choking
- Uncontrollable bleeding
- Sudden dizziness or vision problems
- Sudden weakness, numbness, and/or tingling in the face, arms, or legs
- Sudden difficulty speaking
- Difficulty rousing or waking someone
While waiting for paramedics to arrive you can help by:
- Clear a path to the patient
- Unlock doors
- Turn on outside lights
- Secure pets
- Clear cars from your driveway
- Obtain medications and health card for the patient
- Have someone wait out front, if possible
Working as a Paramedic
Dufferin County Paramedic Service is currently recruiting for Primary Care Paramedics. The postings are available on the Current Opportunities page of this website. For more information on the recruitment process, please download the Recruitment Guide.
Contact Us
100 Rolling Hills Drive
Orangeville, ON
L9W 4X9