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PICC line insertion clinic

Our PICC Line Insertion Clinic places long-term IV lines safely, for those who need ongoing medication or nutrition through an IV. We provide a sterile environment and specialized care to make the process smooth.

Clinic location:

  • Main Floor – Ambulatory Care
  • No specific room – various locations
  • 8:00 – 4:00
  • 519-941-2410 ext. 2843
  • 519-943-7221

Appointment Preparation

Wear loose-fitting clothing with sleeves that can be easily rolled up. If possible, arrange for someone to accompany you, as the procedure may take some time.

After your appointment, access patient results and records by signing up for a myhealthcare account

Patient Education

We provide clear instructions on PICC line care, infection prevention, and daily maintenance. Our team is here to answer any questions about your line and how to manage it at home.

Accredited with Exemplary StandingWe are dedicated to safe, high-quality care, Headwaters is proudly accredited with Exemplary Standing.

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